
上海试管代孕网 2021-11-21999 admin
6种方法准备来你的试管婴儿胚胎移植  After experiencing a hard American test tube baby ovarian stimulus, the eggs have now been developed to be developed.。代孕套餐
US test tube baby embryo movement is finally cog。代孕包男孩
This is the day that the doctor transplant your embryo to the uterus.。代孕
Embryo transplant is a simple program in the process of trial tube infants,It is the simplest and final step in the US test tube infant.。供卵代孕
In order to make the embryo transfer,Embryo needs to be attached to the uterus。代孕二胎
Whether this will succeed in the success of two things:The quality of embryos and the accepted level of the uterus。代孕成功率
  6Methods to prepare for your US test tube baby embryo transfer
  Embryo Transplant is an exciting event,But it may also be a big pressure。代孕包性别
after all,You have been waiting for a long time this day.,So you want to do every effort to help your embryo implant。代孕成功率
Want to know how to prepare your body,In order to improve the chance of success after embryonic transplantation?Below6Method to help prepare embryos and uterus:
  1. Keep your body ready
  Fertility cleaning is particularly helpful to your uterus。Think about this is to make your uterus are ready to become your baby's first home.。also,Fertility Massage can reduce tension hidden in the deep skin and a good way to make blood circulation。You can make a birth massage at home.。Gently massage the abdomen before ovulation,Ovary and uterus。This helps digestion,Exclude toxins in vivo,Increase blood flow to ovaries。Playing yoga is another good way to alleviate physical pressure。
  2. Diet is like you have already pregnant
  Don't focus on a food or a set of food,You have to make sure you have a balanced nutrition you need for a healthy baby.。Your diet should contain a lot of protein,Balanced nutrition such as fiber and vegetables。Avoid food such as high mercury fish and soft cheese,And consult your doctor any vitas or supplements you should take。certainly,Avoid using alcohol,Nicotine caffeine, all harmful substances。
  3. Never underestimate the strength of quality supplements!
  Pre-productive vitas,Folic acid and coenzyme,To improve the quality of the egg。Take iron can help your blood health。 L-The arginine will help your endometrium remain healthy.。Increase in pregnancy stagesOmega-3The intake of intake can improve the environment of endometrium to accept embryos。Ask your doctor which supplement is best for you。click for inqueries,Understand your suitable US test tube baby hospital
  6Methods to prepare for your US test tube baby embryo transfer
  4. Blood cycle is very important
  Keep your body warm。Try to avoid cold or stomach,Try to let more blood circulate to your uterus。Perform an appropriate amount of exercise(walk,Cycling)It is also very helpful。Embryonic transplantation,You should relax, but don't always stay in bed.。Keep blood circulation smooth。finally,Avoiding activities that may cause too high body temperature to take a bath,Jacuzzi or sauna,And avoid any carrying weights。
  5. Plentiful rest time
  There will be many things happening inside your body.,So fully rest。At least to make sure enough sleep per night。
  6. Find way to relieve stress
  Keep positive optimistic mentality help to reduce pressure。Take some time to see your favorite comedy。Laugh can encourage your body to release endorphin,Can lower your pressure level!


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